Thursday, May 19, 2011

Laboratory tests in stroke patients

Laboratory tests in stroke patients Laboratory tests in patients with stroke include:
• Calculate the complete peripheral blood: blood dyscrasias, polycythemia, thrombocytopenia or thrombocytosis or infection as a risk factor for stroke.
• prothrombin time, partial prothrombin time: addressed to patients with antiphospholipid antibodies (lengthwise partial prothrombin time).
• Analysis of urine: hematuria occurred in subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) with ischemic stroke due to embolism.

• sedimentation rate (ESR) LEDs indicate a possible increase in vasculitis, hiperviskositas or (SBE) as a cause of stroke.
• blood chemistry: elevated levels of glucose, cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood.
• chest X-rays: widening the size of the heart as a source of emboli in a stroke or hypertension due to long; to find an unexpected ferocity.
• Electrocardiogram: to indicate a cardiac arrhythmia, new myocardial infarction, or dilation of the left atrium.
• Computed Tomography (CT scan).

Computed Tomography (CT scan) is useful in distinguishing haemorrhagic stroke (intracerebral or subarachnoid) with stroke without hemorrhage / ischemia (thrombosis or embolism). The presence of blood on the new bleeding resulting in a region with increased density; otherwise an infarct resulting in a region with reduced density. In addition, CT-scan can help determine the location and size abnormalities, such as the vascularization, superficial or deep, small or large.

1. CT-scan was positive in intracerebral hemorrhage (with increased density) and often showed inter-hemisphere blood or bleeding in the brain to the bleeding subarakhnoidea parenkhim. These changes seen in the first hours after the onset of stroke symptoms. With more advanced CT again, some patients with clinical diagnosis of thrombosis can be found in the bleeding intraparenkhimal.

2. CT-scan is positive in most cases of cerebral infarction (decreased density), but peruhahan these changes can only be seen in 24-48 hours after the onset of stroke symptoms. By penyengatan of contrast, infarct can mimic a tumor but penyengatan against the contrast of the cerebral infarction is generally not associated with significant mass effect as happened in tumors. In a few instances. maybe there is mass effect with infarction, which raises the question of whether not a tumor, in which case it is with MRI, CT scan and serial clinical observations may clarify the diagnosis.

3. A common herdarah infarction secondary to embolism are great. In this case an increase in density on CT-scan. Provision of anticoagulants should be delayed if there is bleeding associated with embolic infarction.

4. Bleeding in the brain stem may be seen on CT scans, but brain stem infarction is usually not.

5. CT-scan to identify intracranial mass shift that requires medical treatment and operative aggressively to control the cerebral edema that occurs.

Delicia Medica - Stroke is the number one cause of disability in patients. For those who survived the attack of stroke, often suffered paralysis in some members of the body and as a result of brain injury. Therefore, stroke patients should undergo a variety of therapies and medical rehabilitation for recovery of body functions.

Intensive therapy and post-stroke begins as early as possible is highly recommended to maximize the recovery limb. In the United States, is now being developed use of robots to help the paralyzed arm movements, which often suffered a stroke patient.

A number of scientists from Brown University, USA, introduced the use of a tool called the MIT-Manus, which are specifically designed to train the upper arm. Patients stay seated at a table by putting his arm in the MIT-Manus and then ordered the tools to perform various tasks.

Scientists describe such a tool such as "power-steering" for the arms. Robot will recognize each movement and help make a move if necessary.

To test the ability of these robots, the researchers conducted a trial of 127 patients who had a stroke within the last five years. They were divided into three groups. The first is that menerita robot therapy for three months, then the group receiving physiotherapy, and the last is a group that received usual care without intensive therapy.

In the first and second groups, obtained significant results in the recovery movement of the upper arm as measured from the patient's ability in performing everyday movements, like holding a spoon, open the bottle, or considering shoelaces.

"The results of this research shows, with appropriate therapy, patient motion capability can be improved and can improve quality of life. This will give new hope to patients," said Dr.Albert Lo, chairman of the researcher.

Use of this robot is not yet widely used and is still in development stage. However, stroke patients can still obtain comparable results when handling rehabilitation as early as possible and conducted in accordance intensive phase of stroke.

Source: fkunhas-kompas

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