Thursday, May 19, 2011

Diagnose of brain death

Diagnose of brain death Criteria for diagnosing brain death prior to termination and possible life-saving donor organ transplants. Criteria and actions outlined below are generally accepted by the medical profession and the law in England, although some practitioners still have objections. It is noteworthy that the tests are mainly for the death of "brain stem" and
some residual activity electroencephalographic abnormalities are not
all covered here.

1. Diagnosis of brain death should not be made ​​before at least 6 hours after onset of coma, or in case of coma after cardiac arrest, at least 24 hours after circulation improvements.
2. The diagnosis of brain death must be made by two senior doctors (usually two konsulen or a konsulen and Senior Registrar in the UK), either separately or jointly on at least two events at an interval of at least two hours between the first examination and second.
3. There should be no doubt about the situation or circumstances caused by the coma.
4. A reversible cause of coma must be removed; the levels of certain organ-suppressing drugs, the influence of muscle relaxants, hypothermia is less than 35 ° C, and metabolic or endocrine disorders.

Test function of the brain stem stops:
The answer to all these questions must be no. 

1. Are pupils react to light?
2. Is there a corneal reflex?
3. Is eye bergerakselama or after the test calories? This test involves first checking to see if there's ear wax, wax and remove it if needed, and stream water ice with a syringe into it.
4. Is there a reaction to motor along the cranial nerve region in

response to pain stimuli in the face, extremities, and body?
5. Is there a reflex refused if the catheter is inserted through the nose or mouth into the pharynx?
6. Is there a cough reflex when the catheter is inserted into the lower respiratory tract through the tube?
7. Does the patient have a complete apnea, when the pressure is increased arterial carbon dioxide exceed 7 kPa? Arterial blood samples to be taken, and if necessary carbon dioxide is incorporated into the branching airway through the catheter until PaCO2 reached the limit that is expected.

The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a noninvasive test used to evaluate brain function or disorders or to confirm brain death. Parts of the Body Involved
Scalp Reasons for Procedure

An EEG may be done for the following reasons:

To diagnose seizures
To assess conditions and diseases that affect the brain, such as trauma , coma , encephalitis , cognitive impairment, brain tumors , or certain psychological disorders

Risk Factors for Complications During the Procedure

There are very few risks associated with this procedure. If you are prone to seizures and need to discontinue medication for the test, you may be more likely to have a seizure.
What to Expect
Prior to Procedure

Depending on the reason for your EEG, you may be given some of the following instructions:

Stop taking medications, such as antidepressants, stimulants, or seizure medicines, at least 1-2 days before the test.
Avoid caffeine the day before and the day of the test.
Shampoo hair and do not use hairspray or gel the day of the test.
If you are having a sleep-deprived EEG, you may need to stay awake the night before the test. You should also arrange for a ride to and from the test.
If you are prone to seizures, arrange for a ride to and from the test.

Description of the Procedure

You sit or lie in a chair or cot. Electrodes are attached to your scalp with a special gel or paste. These electrodes record the brain's electrical activity and transmit impulses to an electroencephalograph, which magnifies them and records them as brain waves on moving strips of paper. You will be asked to close your eyes and be still for most of the test. However, depending on the reason for the test, you may also be asked to breathe deeply and rapidly for three minutes. A strobe light may also used for a portion of the test.
After Procedure

The technician removes the electrodes. You will be advised about restarting any medications you may have stopped.
How Long Will It Take?

A standard EEG takes about one hour.
Will It Hurt?

No, an EEG is painless.
Possible Complications

Average Hospital Stay

Postoperative Care


Your test results will be interpreted by a neurologist and forwarded to your doctor. Within one to two weeks of your test, your doctor will discuss the results with you.

Source: fkunhas

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