Sunday, June 5, 2011

Handling is good management of pregnancy

Handling is good management of pregnancy is needed by women who suffer from epilepsy. This process begins with an effective pregnancy counseling, birth control and education about the importance of a planned pregnancy with optimizing the use of OAE and folic acid supplementation before conception, the comparison between teratogenicity OAE generation time and the risk of pregnancy.
 - Counseling Pregnancy in Patients with Epilepsy. If a woman with epilepsy want to get pregnant, things to do are: - Planning your pregnancy. Discuss the patient's circumstances
with a neurologist and obstetrician before becoming pregnant. - Make an agreement with the obstetrician when the patient was pregnant and make regular visits as long as the pregnancy. - Eating OAE that has been prescribed by a doctor. - Reporting all the resurrection had happened to the neurologist.
- Rest to be enough. - Maintain a balance of nutrition and weight loss. - Supplementation of folic acid before pregnancy. Take vitamins and folic acid regularly during pregnancy. Giving vitamin K during the last weeks of pregnancy. - Do not smoke because it can harm the fetus as long as the pregnancy. - Avoid beverages containing alcohol or caffeine. - Do not consume illicit substances like marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Avoid environmental chemicals such as pesticides, cleaners and paints. - Do not consume drugs not approved by the doctor. - Politerapi antiepileptic drugs. The risk of major malformations in the fetus tends to be higher on the use of OAE politerapi than monotherapy. The combination of valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenobarbital is more teratogenic than other types of combinations. - monotherapy antiepileptic drugs. Congenital malformations that occur in infants exposed to OAE associated with serum folate concentrations are low.
- teratogenicity vs. OAE generation effects on fetuses.

By: fkunhas

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