Wednesday, October 21, 2009


You can get a sneak peek of “Goodbye Bling-Bling, Hel---looo, Jailbird” first of the two series on December 10th, 2009. It will be my first attempt at non-fiction. The plot is based on a true story, and is a classic tale of one man’s lust for the American dream. It is my first book written to the adult audience, but the life lessons will not be lost on young adults.

Publication changes all the time so be sure to check out our site as often for the latest information.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I’M BACK !!!!

Hello, Everyone! Long time no see. So what did I miss?? Is the economy back on track yet? Hmmm!!!

Anyhow, I’m sad to say that I haven’t been maintaining this site as much as I would like to. Due to unavoidable circumstances my blogs were all ‘derailed’ somewhere in cyberspace.......

My focus lately has shifted to my ‘Wireless’ novel series, and that my blog was sitting here idle.

Since my last entry in last June and being offline for several months I have received numerous emails from readers and authors who wondered if I dropped of the face of the planet or... if I had given up on my commitment to my readers.

Well... It is always good to be missed! Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement, and for taking such an interest. Knowing that what I do matters to someone else is important to me.

A lot of things took place when I was offline. Now... I still got tons of emails to read and comments to moderate and I have not even started.

Well... at the risk of sounding cliché the business of life sometimes interferes with the pursuit of living! But I’m back now. Truthfully, I get a jolt from being a conduit for authors’ to express themselves through media more freely and unfiltered than a critic might be able to do. I’d like to give my authors the opportunity to connect more directly to their audience which makes a difference.

Hopefully this approach offers a different and maybe fresher perspective. I sincerely hope that my recent sabbatical has not disrupted that evolving process. I truly want my readers to know that I do value their participation, and that I eager to reestablishing contact.

At the end of the day the reader wants to know more about the person being interviewed, and less about a critic’s opinion. These days everyone thinks he’s a critic with something to say…

To all of you, who have been engaged in the process -- thank you. It has been a pleasure to have exchanged ideas with you. You have been a great source of inspiration.

My sabbatical has given me newfound enthusiasm and commitment for broadcasting your creative accomplishments and insights. Going forward I am determined to see Up Close & Personal, Totally YA and A View From The Top continue to evolve. I like to think that it serves our community of authors and readers in a unique way

I’d like to announce that new interviews, blog updates and website updated materials and whatnot will be posted here starting November 1st, 2009.

I truly want my readers to know that I do value their participation. Please check back often for the latest news!

Monday, October 12, 2009

NEW UPDATE: ENTER TO WIN THE NEW WIRELESS “Life Doesn’t Rewind across the Universe” holiday contest. WIN this 3rd Generation 64 GB iPod Touch

The power of the Internet meets the brilliance of multi-touch. It is a
3.5-inch screen… you’ll find the viewing experience amazing. It is a great pocket computer to surf the web, email, manage your calendars, organize contacts, and you can use for your social networking sites such as Facebooks and Twitter.

On Tuesday, December 4th, 2009, we will randomly select Twelve (12) winners of the E. I. Johnson prize package. This will include signed copies of each of the first three books in the ‘Wireless series'

Cool Prizes for first, second, & third place categories will be posted Tuesday, Decmeber 15th, 2009. You will not be disappointed so come and CHECK MY WEBSITE and click the iPod on my time travel desk to enter the contest.